About me



(some of these are just filler for now until i get some more buttons!!! send me some!!!)

trans rights! quwyou

My very own button!!!!! Use it if you want!!!

<a href="https://the-coool-gay57.neocities.org/index"><img src="https://the-coool-gay57.neocities.org/buttons/justine_button.png"></a>

here's whats been on my listening rotation for the past couple weeks

its just this one i'm not sorry

Who am I?

Hello!!! If you haven't noticed on the home page, the title has 3 different states! Justine, Serene, and Taji are the three members of a plural system. Keep on reading if you want to meet the silly group of peoples in this brain space


Hello! I'm the host of the system! I was born at a young age in the crisp year of 2002. I spent a lot of my adolescense buried in my education and in took solace and comfort in playing video games. I'm 23 at the time of writing this and I've taken up a little bit of design work on this website in my abundant free time due to having recently finished earning my Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering. Having extensive programming knowledge certainly helps in my aspirations to make a cozy little space for myself on the internet, but I'm still learning! I've been having fun working on this website but it's a lot of work! So there will be some broken things here and there, bear with me!

my text color!
hex: #FACADE

this image is by Sofia!



my text color!!!
hex: #7BDA9C

this image is also by Sofia!!!


AND epic

my text color also (sorry its hard to read with this background)
hex: #AA66CC

guess what? this image is ALSO by Sofia!!!!!